Six word story challenge enter until 9pm Thursday 8th November

Following on from Kirsty’s prompt History, a prompt based upon a historical event that occurred 413years ago this month but, is remembered in the UK each November 5th: The attempt to blow up parliament when the King was due to attend therefore termed Treason.

The prompt is TREASON however feel free to think of it as betrayal if that makes it easier.

Further information

See some tips here!

Words that speak volumes

The challenge was originally created and hosted for several years by Nicola over at Sometimes Stellar Storyteller. Myself and Kirstywrites now take in turns to host.

It is a fun, informal challenge. Great for interacting with other micro fiction writers.

How it works:

Each Saturday at 9am (GMT) *on one of our two blogs we publish prompt for you to use to create a six word story.

The challenge closes to entries at 9pm the following Thursday evening (GMT).

A poll will subsequently be posted containing all stories submitted to the challenge. Voting will remain open in this poll for 24hrs and will close at 9pm on Friday evening (GMT). The host has casting vote.

The host publishes a post highlighting top three stories of the week.


We often repost each other’s posts and possibly share prompts and stories on other social media to promote the challenge and the fantastic stories it generates. We use the hashtags 6wordstory or 6wordstorychallenge. Feel free to share our posts about the challenge and your story, but equally this is not mandatory.


  1. Write a story in six words or less inspired by the prompt. It doesn’t have to include the prompt word unless you want it to.
  2. Write your story in the comment section of the post on the host for that week’sblog (rather than on any re blogs A link to a blog post is not an entry.
  3. A blog post and a pingback is not a requirement of the challenge, just your story in the comments, but feel free to add your own blog post if you wish. Remember to use the tag #SixWordStoryChallenge if you do and provide a link to your post.
  4. The winner will be the story with the most votes at the end of the challenge. Votes will only count if cast in the collated poll published on a Thursday evening.
  5. Host announces the winner on their blog.
  6. First, second and third place will have the honour of downloading and using our highly coveted award badges on their blogs should they wish to do so.
  7. In the event of a tie for first, second or third places, I will choose a single story to take the placement. This will be the story I feel best interpreted the prompt and the six word medium.
  8. Only one entry per person please. Multiple entries will be deleted leaving the first submission only.

* N.B it is all times are approximations, we have busy lives alongside blogging.

Author: wonderwall360blog

So many wonders of the world to write about on my blog wall. I'm an Oasis fan hence using wondewall as blog name.

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